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Self-Publishing Novel

Self Publishing A Fantasy Novel: Tips And Tricks

An impressive fantasy, traditionally published by J. K. Rowling, was the highlight of our adolescence. Especially the millennials. They would visit bookstores every so often to make sure they were the first ones to lay their hands on the sequel. Whoa, those were the days!

However, we have a question. Do you think the broadcasting channel affects how well a novel is going to do in the market? Think of it. What if the Harry Potter book was not a product of Bloomsbury publishers? What if it was a random book that went by the name of Rowling alone? In your opinion, would it still be able to make such a huge business? 

The answer is probably yes! Rowling is one God-gifted author with an exceptional writing talent. The way she portrayed every setting and character is truly beyond perfect. Millennials would anxiously wait for the next volume, similar to how Gen Z today awaits the next season of squid games on Netflix. 

If you have a knack for creative writing, then you must thoroughly read this blog. Your compelling need for some quick tips and tricks for self-publishing a fantasy novel will surely be satisfied here. So continue skimming the text ahead, and we promise you you will not regret it.

Techniques Of Self-Publishing A Fantasy Novel

To be able to broadcast one, first, you need a script. Is that right? Of course, true. You need a very influential and potent story that does not require the support of a publishing channel. The author has to be very confident in his work in such situations, so if you are, then it is remarkable. However, if you believe there is room for improvement, make sure you turn it into an unconventional plot using the tips below. 

Why fantasy in the first place

Lately, authors have been choosing this genre more than usual, making us wonder if they are intimidated by the challenges. This question gave us a hard time, and we had to run some web searches only to conclude that fantasy novels are in demand. 

Besides that, there is a rich history of such books, adapting to several digital interfaces like movies and games. They even are a smooth ground for the merchandise business. Thus, it is a very lucrative field to belong to in the first place.

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Secondly, the escapism factor that the stories hold is quite a pleasure for almost every one of us. Both – writing and reading are a getaway from the stressful world to a realm that is much more stirring. Moreover, the heroes fighting their problems can help motivate readers to face their real-life problems. Hence, every element of this novel category is worth the effort.

Self-Publishing 101

The extensive route covers all the responsibilities of getting a script printed, from writing to marketing the book. In short, the writer has to become the jack-of-all-trades if he wishes to avoid the traditional way. We know it might be very overwhelming now, but it deserves a shot. Hence, finally, the tips and tricks for self-publishing a fantasy novel are about to begin:

The Best Way to Start It

Let us imagine you took into consideration all the sub-genres of fantasy writing and chose one. Then, you build a fictitious fairyland and cast a spell of magic to create characters that live in there. After that, you put together threads and weave an illusion that forces the reader to get enthralled.  

Once you finish writing the tale, the next step is editing and proofreading. Professional book publishing services can be helpful at this point, but it is not necessary to hire them. You can do this on your own using online tools. Moving on, you must pick a very captivating name and an even more eye-catching cover page. The illustrations need to be easily comprehensible and full of vibrant colours. Again, the digital tools can come in handy here.

Soon after the finalizing of the script takes place, you are liable to decide on a platform for self-publishing. There is quite a list, and you can pick as many as you want. Such as Amazon KDP, Kobo, Good Reads or an actual novel. However, for a novel, you will have to learn the basics of copyright rules of a book. 

Moreover, in the tips and tricks for self-publishing a fantasy novel, you will learn that the next move is formatting. Now that the platform is decided upon, the formatting has to be corresponding with it. Shortly, the book will be physically in your hands, and this will be the right time to start marketing it. 

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Just Around the Corner

At the start, you must create hype for it so that before you launch it, people are already waiting for it. Then, based on the audience’s response, you need to settle down on a selling price. This might be tricky for amateurs, so you rather ask for an expert’s guidance here. However, a pro tip is that the genre of your novel decides the price. So, the first research is on similar recent publications. 

Apart from this, an initially lower price is a good tactic to begin with. Slowly and gradually, as you see the response from the reader, you can keep pushing the cost higher. In addition, a limited-time offer can work to gain the target market’s attention. You may also send the book to esteemed social influencers of the industry pre-launch. If they enjoy it and review it nicely for you, then this book will become a jump-start for your prosperous author career. 

Things to Avoid at All Costs

According to many fiction publishers in Canada, there is a list of things that you need to stay away from while you attempt self-publishing. You must:

  • Never underestimate the time it will take to complete writing a script. It is a prolonged process hence, the focus must be on good work instead of quick work. 
  • Never make the mistake of believing that you are a master at everything. No one is. You need some additional helping hands like an illustrator, website developer or social manager.
  • Gather attention around your fantasy novel. It could be digital, physical, or both. Specifically, target the audience that is the most likely to be influenced.
  • Write an intriguing synopsis or add comments from some famous authors of all time. These moves are necessary to hook the attention of potential buyers.
  • Avoid undermining the potential of a physical book. The literary market is still saturated and enormous. Moreover, it facilitates embryonic growth for the business, so exploit it as much as you can.
  1. Is this genre difficult to manage while writing?

Established authors and aspiring authors both have mixed reviews about this notion. Some say that writing is difficult because of the word-building concept, whereas some think it is very effortless. However, the majority find it tough to adhere consistently to the attention-to-detail process. Such scripts are, indeed, demanding. 

  1. How do we make the script interesting and unique?
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You begin by creating a numinous character. Then, give him some supportive character with diverse magical powers. After that, construct a world around it and allow it to be rare and untold in the existing literature. Pay attention to details and sew events together in such a way that the reader feels immersed in the plot. 

  1. What attracts the readers most to this genre?

There is a one-word answer to this question and that would be Escapism – the diverting of mind into an imaginary realm. People in 2024 need this experience time after time, perhaps, which is why the popularity of fantasy novels has increased. Moreover, the readers enjoy being in a different setting, seeing the world through the eyes of another person. They say that this experience pleases them!

  1. What are some aspects that make fantasy books popular?

The magic element of such creative stories carries the most weight. Thus, if we compare this genre with the rest, we know why it always outshines. The ingenious plot twists and the intricate fine points about the characters are all that pull the attention of an individual like a literal magnet. For example, the fairy tales and myths from your childhood that you still treasure. 

Bringing to a Conclusion

Hence, it proved that the publishing type doesn’t affect the success of a book. It is rather the plot, hardback cover and the marketing power that baits a person into buying it. So, if you wish your novel to do great in the market, then stop focusing on irrelevant things. Especially in the debate of which publishing type is better. 

Both of them are equally effective when it comes to a potential customer judging the book to purchase. He will not look at the publication house or any such details, but instead, the appearance of the book will simply mesmerize him. Moreover, the engaging spine, the spellbinding front cover and the crispy précis at the back will be more than enough to push him to a decision. 

Thus, it is in your favour that you read these tips and tricks for self-publishing a fantasy novel and adhere to them strictly. They will help you every time you attempt to pen down an imaginative plot. 

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